Friday, September 27, 2013

[IMAGINE?] Our people are suffering & Our Leaders are not Serious, says Senate

Senators on Thursday, unanimously submitted that the nation’s leaders, apart from those who fought for its independence, 53 years ago, had failed to provide the required leadership that could make the country socio-economically independent.
They also admitted  that the nation’s leadership since the return to full democratic rule, 14 years ago, had taken no serious step to tackle corruption,  unemployment, rot in the education sector, decayed infrastructure and nepotism.
However, while some of them believed that the situation could be improved upon through a change of attitude by the leadership, others believed that a total take over of government by the progressive politicians in 2015 would save the country from the current mess.

Who is Fooling who?

Drop a comment if you like....thanks!


  1. Thnx blogger i like the way you placed the pictures of the african children and david mark. Niceone.
